What You Should Know About Microdermabrasion Treatment For Your Acne Scars


Acne scars can be difficult to deal with, with many suffering from insecurity about their looks and even psychological problems such as anxiety.  However, there are now numerous skin treatments that can be effective against acne scarring, with microdermabrasion one of the most popular. Here is what you need to know about microdermabrasion and how it can benefit your acne scars.

About Acne Scars

First, it's important to understand how an acne scar forms and what type of acne scars are typically seen. Acne scars usually develop in much the same way as a standard bout of acne, where excess bacteria, dead skin and oils create inflamed and engorged skin pores. While most acne is minor and heals without any blemish, especially bad cases can break the skin pore cell walls, and damage tissue.

While the skin tries to repair the tissue with new collagen formations, these lesions are usually not completely repaired, leading to scarring on the face.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion involves a specialized instrument which utilizes tiny rough particles to remove your uppermost skin layer of acne scars. Microdermabrasion is seen as an improvement in many ways over standard dermabrasion, as it is painless and a non-invasive procedure.

In addition, microdermabrasion is much less expensive than more advanced treatment options, such as laser therapy or laser resurfacing. It works well for all skin types and skin colors, doesn't change the skin color like other treatments potentially can, and does not cause further scarring. Standard dermabrasion carries more risks of causing scarring, which means microdermabrasion is considered a more appropriate treatment in many cases.  

Another great aspect of microdermabrasion is the fact that it requires very little recovery time, and is considered an out-patient procedure.

Will It Work For You?

Microdermabrasion isn't for everyone. If you have especially deep acne scars, you may not be a suitable candidate for this treatment. Microdermabrasion works best on light acne scars, but you should speak with your dermatologist about whether this technique is right for you.

How to Prepare for Microdermabrasion

Before you undergo microdermabrasion treatment, you should make sure you avoid sun exposure at least a few days before you begin treatment. Also avoid exfoliating creams and waxing, which can interfere with the microdermabrasion process. If you've had chemical peels and other more major skin treatments already performed on your skin, then you should inform your dermatologist prior to treatment to ensure you're still suitable for microdermabrasion treatment.

After Treatment

After microdermabrasion treatment, keep your skin well moisturized and clean. Your dermatologist will likely prescribe you an anti-inflammatory cream to help with any redness or swelling. You should keep out of the sun for seven days after treatment, and ensure you don't pick or scratch at your new layer of skin. Avoid any skin care products that aren't specifically recommended by your dermatologist, as they may irritate the skin and interfere with proper healing.

Ultimately, microdermabrasion is a great way to improve the appearance of acne scars without resorting to an invasive treatment that carries too much risk.  For more information, contact East Carolina Dermatology and Skin Surgery, PLLC or a similar location.


10 February 2015

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