How To Manage Seasonal Allergy Symptoms If You Can't Take Medications

Health & Medical Blog

There are numerous prescription medications available to manage allergy symptoms, but if you cannot take these due to side effects or drug interactions, you'll need to explore non-drug ways of managing your seasonal allergy symptoms. Here are a few options to try.

Neti Pots

Neti pots can be purchased at most drug stores. You fill the pot with distilled water, tip your head to the side, and pour the liquid into one nostril. The liquid flows through your sinuses, loosening mucous and allowing it to drain out your other nostril. You'll feel a lot less congested, plus any allergens that have taken up residence in your nasal passages will be rinsed away. Many allergy sufferers find relief when they use a neti pot twice a day -- once in the morning and once before bed.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil helps open up your nasal passages, making it easier to breath and to expel mucous. An easy way to utilize eucalyptus essential oil is to place a drop or two on a moistened cloth and then hold the cloth under your nose as you inhale deeply. You can also add a few drops to a pot of hot water, and hold your head over the water, inhaling the steam. Do this any time your allergy symptoms start to become unbearable.


Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut and help your immune system function properly. Scientists are not exactly sure why, but taking probiotic supplements to boost your levels of gut bacteria can help alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms. Make sure you buy probiotics from a reputable company, and store them according to package instructions so you can be sure they're effective when you take them. Note that it may take several weeks of probiotic supplementation before you notice your symptoms lessen.

Local Honey

Eating raw, local honey may help ease your seasonal allergies over time. Raw honey from the region in which you live contains pollen from the plants that are common in your area. Exposing yourself to small amounts of this pollen over time is said to help acclimate your body to the pollen so it reacts less when you come into contact with it. Make sure the honey you're consuming is raw -- pasteurized honey does not contain the active pollen particles. Also make sure it is local. If you use pollen from another region, you won't be exposing yourself to pollen from the right plants. Check farmers markets and farm stands -- these tend to be good sources of raw, local honey. Make sure you get a little honey each day. Drizzle it on your toast, stir it into your tea, or use it in salad dressings.

For more information, contact The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC or a similar location.


11 March 2016

pediatric eye exams - are they needed?

When was the last time that you took your kids in for an eye exam? Did you realize that your kids' school performance can be impacted by their ability to see clearly? Children are not great at communicating difficulties seeing the board or letting adults know when things begin to appear a little bit blurry. Did you know that there are eye problems that your child could have that can only be diagnosed through an exam at your optometrist's office? Learn all about pediatric eye care and what problems you could run into if you neglect to take your child in for regular eye exams.