The Measles Outbreak: Should You Vaccinate Your Kids?

Health & Medical Blog

With the recent outbreak of measles in Southern California rapidly spreading across the western states, a great deal of debate has started regarding children's vaccines. Some believe that they're potentially dangerous to children, and others say that they're safe and not having your child immunized is neglectful. If you want to know what's right for your child, this guide will explain the measles disease, what its symptoms are, and what the actual effects of the vaccine are.

5 February 2015

Botox – Could It Be The Solution To Your Teeth Grinding Problem?

Health & Medical Blog

Does your partner complaint that you're constantly grinding your teeth at night? Many people who suffer from bruxism never realize that they are grinding or clenching their teeth. According to the Mayo Clinic, bruxism may result in damage to the teeth, facial pain, damage to implants or tooth restorations, or disorders of the temporomandibular joints. Custom Night Guards – The Most Common Treatment The most common treatment for individuals with bruxism is a custom night guard.

2 February 2015

Should You Go To The Doctor Following A Car Accident?

Health & Medical Blog

When you have been in a car accident, you may not know what to do. Being dazed and confused after a traumatic experience is an entirely normal reaction to have. Once you have spoken to the police and composed yourself a bit, you are left with a major decision to make. Even though you are able to walk and talk following the accident, the police and emergency services will ask you if you would like to be taken to the hospital for tests and evaluation, or if you are injured in any way.

29 January 2015

What To Expect At Your Newborn's Hearing Screening

Health & Medical Blog

As a new parent, you may be unaware that a nurse will come in and perform a hearing screening once your baby is born. This screening is meant to identify possible hearing loss in infants and treat it early. If treatment happens before 6 months of age, your child should develop regular cognitive and speech skills by kindergarten. If it goes untreated, however, your child could suffer from speech and language impediments, as well as cognitive skills.

27 January 2015

Foods You Can Incorporate Into Your Diet For Healthier Eyes


Free radicals can be found just about anywhere and everywhere and can cause your cells to become weak. They are linked to a large majority of degenerative diseases. There is significant research that suggests these free radicals may cause enzymes and proteins in the eye lens to factor in the formation of cataracts. With more than 20 million individuals in America being diagnosed with a cataract in at least one of their eyes, it is important to know what you can do to reduce your chances of developing a cataract.

21 January 2015

Senior Care: Exploring Your Options

Health & Medical Blog

As people grow older, they often find it increasingly difficult to complete the basic daily tasks that they took for granted in their youth, such as bathing and cooking. If you have recently found yourself dealing with the same struggle, you should know that there are many senior care options available that can help you get the assistance you require. Below you will learn more about these different services so that you can choose the type of senior care that is right for you.

21 January 2015

What Is Involved With Getting Dental Implants

Health & Medical Blog

There are many advancements happening in the dental industry in recent years. These advances have provided more options for those who have several teeth missing and are looking for options besides dentures to replace these teeth. This article discusses one of these options: dental implants.  What are dental implants? Dental implants are most often made from a titanium material. They are implanted into the jaw and eventually fuse with the jaw bone.

19 January 2015

Tips For Choosing Anti-Aging Supplements That Really Work

Health & Medical Blog

Anti-aging supplements are used today for firmer, healthier skin as well as for energy and vitality. Slowing down the signs of aging can make a person feel stronger and can also protect their joints, their bones, and even their circulatory system and heart health. Not all anti-aging supplements actually work, however, which is why it's good to consider the ingredients that are effective and that do keep a person looking and feeling younger.

15 January 2015

Laser Eye Surgery: What Does It Feel Like?


You are considering laser eye surgery, but you are worried about how it will turn out. That is perfectly normal, considering the fact that the surgery involves a laser and little cuts into your cornea. Perhaps the biggest question of all patients who want the surgery but are holding back is: What does it feel like? The answers are surprising. What It Feels Like Before the Laser Starts Before your ophthalmologist even turns the laser on, he or she will use a device to help your eyelids stay open.

13 January 2015

Three Dynamic Stretches To Reduce Your Risk Of Injuries During Marathon Training

Health & Medical Blog

Whether you're training for your first marathon or your hundredth marathon, all of those miles put a lot of strain on the muscles, tendons and ligaments in your legs. In order to make sure this strain does not lead to injury, it's important to stretch effectively. Stretching loosens the muscles in your legs so they don't put unneeded pressure on your tendons and ligaments. Most runners do at least some stretching after their runs, but stretching before your runs can further reduce your risk of injury by loosening your muscles before your feet hit the pavement.

9 January 2015